Archive for the ‘Sumoology’ Category



January 3, 2007

Although the suffix “ology” tends to denote a field of study or academic discipline, “Sumoology” [pronounced. SSS – EW- MO – OLOGY] surprisingly does not just speak to the study of sumo wrestling in general – it also concerns a means of academic debate.

This week at work, we discussed having two academics from diametrically opposed disciplines come into the department to present and elucidate opposing sides to an ongoing argument: does deterrence work?

Unfortunately, the disciplines are at an impasse.

Fortunately, sumoology allows academics to push through the impasses – old school style – via a trial by ordeal.

As we are no longer allowed to test the viability of knowledge through the clash of steel upon steel (sword fights and what not) sumoology was developed to permit academics stuck at an impasse to decide who is, indeed, right.


Basically, each academic is placed in a giant sumo suit, and permitted to go at it until one is the clear victor, as per the rules of this ancient, and respected Japanese tradition.


Shout out to Channz who coined “Sumoology” on this auspicious day.